
We hope you find this blog to be a wonderful looking glass into your child's world. We have a fun filled year ahead of us, with lots of learning, crafts, special activities and field trips planned. Please check back often, to see photos and updates of your child as they grow and explore this year!

**Please note that you can check the Bulletin Board for posts related to upcoming events and important class related news.**

Thursday 6 September 2012

Meet and Greet

Today we had an opportunity to welcome our preschoolers to their new classroom. While they had a chance to explore the room, their parents had a chance to chat and get to know a few faces. We took advantage of our time together to introduce the kids to some of the routine they can expect while here on Tuesday & Thursday mornings, as well as some of the activities such as playing the game Dance Freeze. Overall, looking around the room, there were some very happy faces and we are excited to see what our year together brings! 

- Miss Amy and Miss Jennifer

Playing dance freeze

A few kids checking out the classroom pets- Goldfish!

Circle Time: reading The old lady who swallowed a fly.

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