
We hope you find this blog to be a wonderful looking glass into your child's world. We have a fun filled year ahead of us, with lots of learning, crafts, special activities and field trips planned. Please check back often, to see photos and updates of your child as they grow and explore this year!

**Please note that you can check the Bulletin Board for posts related to upcoming events and important class related news.**

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Apple Picking!

Our lil`apple pickers!
Today we went Apple Picking! It's so great to see the kids get so excited about this adventure. We are so lucky to have such easy access to apple U-Picks.We think its a great way to build on teaching kids about other treasures in nature, especially here in New Brunswick. And really, how can you not be excited about going on an outdoor adventure where you not only get to tromp around in rubber boots in an beautiful orchard, but you get to eat the fruits of your labour too! One little guy turned to his Mom, between  mouthfuls of apple and said "Momma, this is so de-ri-cious!" When the apple picking was over, the group even got to feed the horses some of the fallen apples. What a brave bunch of little ones... quite a few actually held their hands out for the horses to take the apples.

Liam... so excited about his bag of apples!
Vinnie deciding which apple he is going to eat
Conan picking an apple
Brynn lovin` the horses!
Conan patiently waiting for his apple to be eaten.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Nature Walk!

This week we had a nature walk! The kids got a chance to go outside and explore the world of nature just outside our doors. Before we headed out on our walk, each child was given a brown paper bag in which they were told, to collect items from nature. For some kids, the highlights of the walk included finding pine cones, acorns, as well as random twigs and branches. And for others, it was the sheer experience of walking with "the rings" and staying together as a group, on an adventure. Later on in the week, we put all the treasures we found to good use in an art project. We come to learn with preschoolers, that there is only one thing better than going through a bag of nature treasures... gluing it all to paper!!

 Here are some photos we took on the walk and back in the classroom, working on our project... enjoy!

Our lil' nature collectors!

Caleb happy to show his bag of treasures!
Cameron pleased with his treasures!

Dhiren examining his pine cone

Rowan on a mission of collection!
Sadie showing off her acorn!
Anneka lovin' the cat tails!

Sunday 16 September 2012

1st Week- Getting to Know Each Other!

What a great 1st week! The kids have enjoyed exploring all there is to do in the classroom and they really seem to be falling into rhythm with the routines. This week was all about getting to know each other and very fitting to this theme, we held our first Show and Tell of the year! The kids were brimming with excitement to share their Show and Tell item with their new friends, they LOVED this event. Also, this week we not only took time to get to know our new friends and classroom, but we got to explore our outdoors play area too!

       Show and Tell




     Exploring Our Outdoors Play area...








Thursday 6 September 2012

Meet and Greet

Today we had an opportunity to welcome our preschoolers to their new classroom. While they had a chance to explore the room, their parents had a chance to chat and get to know a few faces. We took advantage of our time together to introduce the kids to some of the routine they can expect while here on Tuesday & Thursday mornings, as well as some of the activities such as playing the game Dance Freeze. Overall, looking around the room, there were some very happy faces and we are excited to see what our year together brings! 

- Miss Amy and Miss Jennifer

Playing dance freeze

A few kids checking out the classroom pets- Goldfish!

Circle Time: reading The old lady who swallowed a fly.

Welcome to the Pack!

Welcome to the Fredericton Regional Family Resource Centre’s Ready for School Preschool Program!!!! We are very excited about our fun-filled year!

We decorated our classroom bulletin board with all the students names and will be focusing some of our time this month on getting to know each other. September is always an exciting month, as we start to see the kids settle in and form some great friendships.