
We hope you find this blog to be a wonderful looking glass into your child's world. We have a fun filled year ahead of us, with lots of learning, crafts, special activities and field trips planned. Please check back often, to see photos and updates of your child as they grow and explore this year!

**Please note that you can check the Bulletin Board for posts related to upcoming events and important class related news.**

Tuesday 9 April 2013


We had a fun week filled with bunny and Easter activities! The kids made bunny ears and hop, hop, hopped like bunnies for an entire morning! We read some stories, made some crafts and we even had an Easter egg hunt with eggs hidden in the whole school. Best part of the hunt was finding an egg filled with goodies that had their own name on it!


L’il Scientists
We had a great day exploring through science!! We used several different items from around the classroom and put them in water to see what sinks and what floats. We used popsicle sticks, feathers, spoons, cars and more. We also did an experiment that made milk perform magic with colours! Years of experience has taught us one thing... anything that lets's kids get messy and be hands on is successful science to 3 Year olds!


Science East Field Trip
We took a field trip to Science East. We all had an awesome time checking out the science exhibits – what a great place to go and explore! At the start of our visit, we were treated to a science show that taught the kids about bubbles and it ended with a balloon race! Not sure what they enjoyed more, catching and popping bubbles or letting their super long balloons go and watch them race and swirl across the room!