
We hope you find this blog to be a wonderful looking glass into your child's world. We have a fun filled year ahead of us, with lots of learning, crafts, special activities and field trips planned. Please check back often, to see photos and updates of your child as they grow and explore this year!

**Please note that you can check the Bulletin Board for posts related to upcoming events and important class related news.**

Tuesday 9 April 2013


We had a fun week filled with bunny and Easter activities! The kids made bunny ears and hop, hop, hopped like bunnies for an entire morning! We read some stories, made some crafts and we even had an Easter egg hunt with eggs hidden in the whole school. Best part of the hunt was finding an egg filled with goodies that had their own name on it!


L’il Scientists
We had a great day exploring through science!! We used several different items from around the classroom and put them in water to see what sinks and what floats. We used popsicle sticks, feathers, spoons, cars and more. We also did an experiment that made milk perform magic with colours! Years of experience has taught us one thing... anything that lets's kids get messy and be hands on is successful science to 3 Year olds!


Science East Field Trip
We took a field trip to Science East. We all had an awesome time checking out the science exhibits – what a great place to go and explore! At the start of our visit, we were treated to a science show that taught the kids about bubbles and it ended with a balloon race! Not sure what they enjoyed more, catching and popping bubbles or letting their super long balloons go and watch them race and swirl across the room!



Thursday 14 March 2013

St.Patrick's Day!


We had a great day filled with St. Patrick’s Day fun! We made cool shamrock hats, went on a shamrock hunt to spell our names, and read the story about the old lady who swallows a clover. The kids also had so much fun picking up gold coins that just wouldn’t stay in the pot of gold; every time the kids filled the pot of gold, the coins would be flying across the room! The luck of the Irish was with us today at preschool because the gold coins turned into chocolate ones that were able to eat! The tricky leprechauns must have visited the preschool too without anyone seeing them because they turned our snack water green!!



Dr. Seuss

We celebrated his birthday! What an amazingly creative and imaginative writer J We knocked over a tower made up of Dr. Seuss characters; we had green eggs and ham for snack; made a cat in the hat craft; and we put our own spin on Hop On Pop by hopping on balloons to make them pop!

Tuesday 26 February 2013

February Highlights

February was a fun and busy month. We covered a few different themes this month and we managed to get some outdoor playtime despite all the snow and cold weather. We finished talking about shapes, then moved on to love with Valentine's Day, we moved and grooved to a learning unit on Music & Movement and we are ending our month talking about pets. Please see below for some random candid moments with the kids throughout February as well as some photos related to the above mentioned themes.

    One of Anneka’s favourite activities is the puzzles

 Cameron checking out how many snowballs tall he is

Conner doing a great job star jumping during shapes week

Myles stretching tall with the pylon “I’m as tall as you Ms. Amy!”

Sadie making a snow angel


Brynn concentrating hard on her playdoh creation


Valentine’s Day: The kids were all dressed in red or pink from head to toe! We had a fun day but I think the kids’ favourite activity was the rose petals on the parachute.

Music & Movement: What a wonderfully musical week! The kids loved show & tell with their instruments from home…then we used them to create a marching band!!

Rowan rocking it out with a guitar

Eva showing us her maracas

Caleb enjoyed showing us the loud music his flute could make

Vinnie enjoyed sharing his triangle with the class

Pets: We had a special visitor, Princess the guinea pig! The kids loved watching her move around, getting to feed her treats, pet her soft fur and even get to hold her!! Thanks Liam J



Conan loved holding PRINCESS



Dhiren had some yummy treats to feed our special visitor

Liam was so excited to share his pet guinea pig with the class

Oliver thought Princess was pretty soft


Monday 11 February 2013

Circle Time

Every morning we start the day together with a circle time. One of the activities that we do is to put our “people” on the wall to show who’s here that day. Their people are ones that each child coloured during our very first class and we have put their names on them and laminated them for durability. When handing them out, we always say the first letter of each child’s name – for example: A is for…Amy. This is a great way for the kids to learn each other’s names, start to recognize the names as well as letters in the alphabet and the sounds they make. The kids then stick their person on the wall. The kids have started to put their person on the wall under their picture in the class caterpillar – great job guys!!


January Highlights

January was a cold month! We did have some special snow to play with – thanks Erin! It was a great science experiment; we added water to a special powder (“snow to go”) and it expanded and turned cold…just like snow!


We did manage to get outside to play on at least one occasion – we worked together to build a snowman!!